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Environmental Degradation

The Battle of Waller Creek

In 1969, UT expanded Memorial Stadium by removing heritage oaks and damaging the riparian zone along Waller Creek. Considering the legacy of UT athletic related expansion at the expense of the natural environment and local community culture. Yet in 2024, we find ourselves in the same place. 

The Battle of Waller Creek 1967


The greenspace that surrounds UJH hosts a myriad trees, including several heritage oaks that are invaluable. Texas Athletics is proposing to raze the building, remove the heritage trees, and level the site in order to construct another football training facility. Recently constructed buildings, such as the Moody Center and maintenance facilities, have increased the impervious cover near UJH. If the current proposal is pursued, the project could adversely effect Waller Creek and potentially create environmental damage. Thus far, there is no indication that an environmental impact study will be conducted.

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